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Depression: A Loss of Hope


Instead of admitting this that one hurts, the individual ponders and ponders over the actions of themselves or others and begins to get angry. The anger then hides the hurt and if the anger is not admitted, expressed it can then lead to feelings about hurting one. When a person gets to this stage they need to be very cautious because it can lead to violent and destructive behavior. Realizing that violence is no means to the end the person tries to hide their feelings which takes a lot of energy and wears down their system. There are numerous passages in the bible that can give us examples of how to deal with our feelings like these. Ephesians 4:26 tells us not to let sun go down on our anger. This would help everyone involved in certain situations to avoid this type of anger-depression. "Depression has an uncanny ability to take on a life of its own. The ability to reason and reflect gets swallowed up as the physical and emotional disturbances take over" (Sper). This would be a reason among many to want to deal with issues as they arrive, because our God is not a God chaos and disorder; besides listing self-control as a fruit of the Spirit. .
             "Depression rarely comes out of nowhere" (Sper). So then where does it come from? One factor is listed as a physical factor. Such things as having a disease can cause someone to be depressed for obvious reasons such as not being able to function as everyone else or as one would like to themselves. Even catching the common cold can bring a person emotionally down because they are physically down. Another physical factor is one that is usually overlooked in most all cases is diet and exercise. "What we eat and our level of exercise are two significant areas that affect the interaction between body and soul and, in turn, the setup for depression" (Aarti). We also know that lack of sleep can have an enormous effect on our personalities. Look at Elijah in 1 Kings 18-19.

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