Internet users who download music do not believe they are stealing.
downloaders exhibit little concern for copyright protections.
• 78% of Internet users who download music don't think it's stealing to save music.
files to their computer hard drives. A majority of those in the general Internet.
population also hold this view - 53% say downloading music is not stealing,.
compared to 31% who believe it is stealing. Whether they are Internet users or not,.
the young, the highly educated, and the relatively affluent support downloaders" right.
to get music online for free.
• 61% of music downloaders say they don't care if the music they are capturing is.
Buying habits.
Most music downloaders aren't incorrigible scofflaws - many have purchased at least.
some of the music they sample online. However, most music purchasers do not.
frequently buy the songs they have downloaded.
• 79% of music downloaders do not pay online for the music they have retrieved on.
the Internet; 15% say they have bought the music online.
• 21% of online music consumers say they have ended up buying the music on a CD.
or cassette "most of the time.".
• 29% say they have bought the music on a CD or cassette "some of the time.".
• 19% say they have bought the music on a CD or cassette "only a few times.".
• 26% of music downloaders say they have "never" bought a CD or cassette of the.
music they have captured online.
A jukebox of favorites more than a new-song sampler.
Most music downloaders enjoy familiar artists and favorite songs. But about onethird.
of them use the Web to sample new artists, as well.
• 86% of music downloaders have downloaded music they had heard before by artists.
they were already familiar with.
• 69% of music downloaders have downloaded new music by artists they were already.
familiar with.
• 31% of music downloaders have downloaded music by artists they had never.