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Operation Iraqi Freedom


             The war in Iraq has basically just begun, but is also far from over. It affects everyone, and not just those that are involved the fighting. The cost of the War in Iraq is absolutely outrageous. So far, the United States has spent over 100 billion dollars; and Boston, Massachusetts has spent over 150 million dollars. These figures are estimates from the Congressional Budget Office. The United States government spends an average of one thousand dollars per second. The United States could do so much with all this money we are spending on the war:.
             Over 9.2 million additional children could attend a year of Head Start schools.
             Over 30 million additional children could be provided with a year of healthcare.
             Over 2 million additional schoolteachers could be hired for one year.
             Over 1.7 million additional four-year scholarships at public universities could be awarded.
             Over 1.1 million additional affordable housing units could be built. .
             On April 16, 1953, President Dwight D. Eisenhower said "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."".
             Since the start of the war, there have been a total of over 39,600 bombs dropped. There are currently over 146,500 United States troops in Iraq. As of December 2, 440 U.S. service members have died since the beginning of the war on Iraq. Approximately 2 soldiers are being killed each day. Of those soldiers, 303 died as a result of hostile action and 137 died of non-hostile causes. The United States has over 2,020 wounded soldiers, and there have been over 510 coalition fatalities. Civilian deaths (Iraqi) are estimated at over 8,020, and there have been over 11,000 Iraqi soldiers killed. The British military has reported 52 deaths; Italy has reported 17; Spain has reported 8; and Denmark, Ukraine, and Poland have all reported one each.

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