Bathing suits cost on average $40-$100. On the whole, swimming is a very good choice.
Windsurfing is another water sport to consider. It calls for quite a fit individual, .
but people well into their 40's can definitely participate. This sport requires a substantial .
amount of upper body strength to remain upright against the wind and water conditions. .
One could strain muscles while windsurfing but something serious is not likely to happen. .
Windsurfing appears to be an excellent choice for staying fit if one wishes to build .
muscle. .
On average, when a person is just starting to windsurf, they will not run out and .
buy top range boards and equipment. The average package to learn how to windsurf is .
$135. This normally includes three or four introductory lessons, with rentals for board, .
wetsuit, and "booties" included in that price. Many packages also offer coupons for free .
practice sessions. On the whole, windsurfing does not hurt one's budget incredibly, and .
it isn't very hard for someone of middle age to get into.
The second category of sport, taking middle age into consideration, is racquet .
sports. A good example of a racquet sport is tennis. Tennis is a good choice for a sport. .
It keeps one's heart pumping and since there is constant movement, a person will .
get a full workout. Muscles may be strained during an intense game, but tennis is.
generally not a dangerous sport. However, it can still be exciting and entertaining. If a .
person in their mid 40's is worried about knee or back strain, they can play doubles .
tennis, which takes a bit of the pressure off. Playing with a partner also makes it .
more enjoyable because it provides companionship while still getting a workout. .
The budget for tennis is hardly expensive at all. One needs to invest in a sturdy .
racquet, which often goes for $50-$100 if one is not playing intensely. A comfortable .
pair of shoes are necessary, which average approximately $150-$200, yet will last for a .