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Social Inequality in Australia


             Of the many consequences of their marginality, the exclusion of the disabled from employment within the mainstream workforce remains one of the most difficult issues faced by disabled people. For anybody, being employed can have a crucial impact on their lives. It also has great importance on our social and material well being. Income, self-esteem, identity and sense of independence are just a number of benefits that people can gain from being an active and useful member of the workforce. Yet from a historical perspective, many disabled people have been denied such benefits because of their exclusion from mainstream social and societal activities such as worthwhile employment in particular. Interestingly, disable workers have in the past found themselves welcomed and encouraged into employment during time of shortage of able bodied workers during times of war (Barnes, Mercer & Shakespeare 1999, p.22). Disabled people who do manage to make their way into the work force tend to encounter numerous disadvantages such as advancement and on average earn around one quarter of the income of their able bodied counterparts (Barnes, Mercer & Shakespeare 1999, p.110). In addition, the majority of well paid, high skilled, and rewarding positions are commonly taken by non-disabled people (Barnes, Mercer & Shakespeare 1999, p.111). It is possible that employers are not interested or unmotivated to make possible changes or allowance for physically disabled people within their organization and may be concerned about whether they will be able to do the job efficiently and if special requirements may need to be catered for. Such negative stigma associated with the disabled may be a direct result of lack of education and poor attitude, or even just a lack of common sense. .
             As stated by Karen Nankervis, senior lecturer at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (ed. Healey 2000, p.26), "There is a societal perception that in some way a person with a disability is not going to be able to do a job to the same standard as someone without a disability.

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