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lagaan - review


He knew that they had to pay double tax in any circumstance while the match was the only hope to make life better. So he accepted the challenge even though he knew nothing about the game.
             For village people it was the matter of life and death as they perceived it as a threat to their existence. They were ready to pay double tax any how but paying triple tax would ruin them. So they opposed Bhuvan's decision. .
             Similarity factor of perceptual organization. Greater the similarity of the stimuli, greater the tendency to perceive them as a common group. People try to relate the object with most common thing or what they have seen in their past experience.
             From the childhood, Bhuvan was playing "gilli-danda" with villagers. When he saw British playing cricket he perceived that cricket is very much similar to "gilli-danda". In both the games only the tools are different but basic rules and playing styles are almost similar.
             Stereotyping: is the tendency to perceive another person as belonging to as single class or category. It is mostly used to describe perceptual errors because perceiver knows only the overall category to which the person belongs. .
             When Elizabeth was offering her help in learning cricket, Bhuvan questioned why she wanted to help them as she was also a British. At that time he was also under stereotype impression of British but when he was made aware of the reason he accepted it.
             When Bhuvan told Goli that "the gori mam" (Elizabeth) is going to help them learn cricket, he didnt believe him because what he perceived was that all the British are cruel and wicked. They cant help them any way; they can just harass them or ruin them. He perceived so because British were being rude to them by asking them to pay double tax without any mercy.
             Same was the case with Deva, he hated British and that was the main reason to join Bhuvan's team, who were fighting against the British. But when he saw Elizabeth, he was surprised.

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