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As far back as 469 BC in Socrates time and to the present, have said that the world will suffer globally for there will not enough food for humans. Farmers of the past, present and the future have and will continue to prove these assumptions wrong. Farming is the elemant that has been keeping the assumpation wrong. Farming has been around since the 8000 B.C perhaps one of the most important inventions ever made Too many people are living on the plant presently, thanks to technology less people are dying due the quality of life that is improving, though its not directly related to malnutriention it's the speed of growth that is the cause of malnourshed and farming is the fuel that lets the population grow so fast. The root cause s of malnutrition is the lack of available and affordable food, health services, safe water, and proper sanitation. Technology not only lets the human race to live longer and healthier lives providing them with a better quality of life due to the fact that we eat better. Farming with the help of tecnology is the cause why we eat better thus letting the human population grow rapidly. .
             Technology is not only beneficial for farming, but it increases the life expectancy of humans, thus less people are dying. and keeping the population under control . During the 14th century the Black Death wiped out a third of the population of Europe.(Grolier Encyclopedia) If the 14th century had our present day medicine or technology, this catasophy would have been unheard of. Triumph over disease on a worldwide scale did not come until 20th century with the introduction of antibiotics and DDT. DDT is a very active, broad-spectrum pesticide, particularly effective against beetles, moths and butterflies, flies, and mosquitoes, it controls insect-vectored human diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, river blindness, elephantiasis, epidemic and murine typhus, and bubonic plague.

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