Actually abortion is not employed until after the fetus is fairly well formed and is certainly informed with a rational soul; but even if it were invoked in the early stages of gestation, the act would still be destructive of a human person (Higgins)."" .
There are occasions when people believe that the fetus is endangering the life of the mother, thus warranting an abortion. However it cannot be maintained that because the fetus is a danger to the mother it must forfeit all rights to life. From an ethical stand point the fetus can not be the aggressor in this situation. First of all the fetus is physically capable of doing harm, and secondly because the fetus is in the womb not by its choice, but by the mother's. The final conclusion that must be drawn is that "neither the mother nor the fetus has prior rights to life: they have equal rights to life, because each is equally a human person. The right of the fetus is just as sacred as that of the mother. Any action intentionally directed against the life of either is sinful (Higgins)."".
Why should we allow children to be born to people who can't afford to give children a proper education? Why should we allow children to be born to people who can't afford to give children a proper education? What about Child Abuse? Doesn't abortion solve that problem? What about rape? Why should a woman who has been raped be forced to carry a baby of a man she doesn't love? Why should we bring a child into this troubled world that won't be loved by his or her mother? What if you know that the baby will be born sick? Aren't there enough problems in this world already? Why bring more sick children into this world using up scare resources and drain the resources needed for others? There are 17 year old girls in this town who have had babies and kept them. What kind of a life is that for a girl? These are just some of the questions that people ask in order to support abortion.