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             As time progressed, many acts were passed between the 1700-1776. These acts were what led to the start of the Revolutionary War in 1775. Though the war first occurred as a result of the French and Indian War, that occurred between 1754 to 1763. .
             The first act that was passed by the Parliament was the Navigation Act. The navy enforced it. Then the Sugar Act was passed in 1764. The Sugar Act raised the tariff on sugar. It also raised the duty on other items that were imported. It was combined with the attempt to enforce other existing tariffs. The Quartering Act then followed the Sugar Act. This act enforced the colonists to provide shelter and food for the British troops. .
             In 1765, the Parliament decided to pass the Stamp Act. This act enforced taxes on legal documents, such as marriage licenses, newspapers, and other important documents. The colonists shouted in protest against the Parliament and their money-hungry enactments. To enforce these acts, the Parliament announced that any offenders would be tried in the Admiralty courts. The protests continued to grow stronger. The colonists even came up with slogans such as, "No taxation without representation." Also, the colonists all agreed to not import any British goods until the Stamp Act was repealed. .
             After the Stamp Act, the Townshend Act was passed in 1767. This act imposed taxes on lead, paint, paper, glass, and tea. The colonists responded to this with boycott. The colonists agreed to not import any British goods, especially the more expensive goods. In response to the protests, the Parliament ordered the British troops to restore order in the colonies in 1768. As a result, many brawls occurred between the British soldiers and the colonists. On March 5, 1770, the townspeople tried to defend their customs house and started to throw snowballs at the soldiers. Suddenly, the British troops started shooting at the colonists.

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