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If the vaccination series is completed and the individual has immunity, then contact with a HBV infected individual should not cause infection.
             Other facts about HBV are people with chronic HBV infections have a 100 times greater chance of developing liver cancer than those not infected. 22,000 pregnant women in the US each year are estimated to be carriers of the HBV virus, an increase from the estimated 17,000 in 1991. UP to 90% of their newborns will become infected with HBV unless detected and treated. In the future, vaccination of newborns would prevent them from becoming infected, as they grew older.
             Hepatitis C.
             Hepatitis C is a very different disease. The hepatitis C virus is not as easily transmitted as A or B. When there is an exposure, however, the patient almost always contracts the disease. There is no vaccine for hepatitis C and it is not likely there will ever be one. The body does not have natural defenses, so that the patient that contracts the disease develops it in chronic form and, without treatment will carry it for life. .
             HCV is transmitted through contact with blood. It is unlikely that you would be infected with HCV through sex, but it is possible. According to the Center for Disease Control, you would be at risk for HCV infection if one or more of the following applied to you.
             You were notified that you received blood from a donor who later tested positive for hepatitis C.
             Have ever injected illegal drugs, even if you experimented a few times many years ago.
             Received a blood transfusion or solid organ transplant before July, 1992.
             Received a blood product for clotting problems produced before 1987.
             Have ever been on long-term kidney dialysis.
             Have evidence of liver disease .
             You should talk with medical provider about screening methods for HCV infections. Unlike many other diseases, hepatitis C, if detected and treated, can often be cured. There are very few viral diseases about which this can be said.

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