The strongest argument comes from the group who defend that universal moral standards can exist among cultures with different practices and beliefs. This group acknowledges culture differences but believe that some traditions and values are morally wrong. The examples used by this group are the pre-Civil War U.S. Society accepted the practice of slavery or the Nazi's treatment and persecution of the Jewish people during WWII. Although these societies accepted these practices, it was morally wrong.
The theory of Ethical Relativism raises important issues. Different societies have different traditions, values, and beliefs and these are deeply influence by culture. As a theory that supports moral practices and beliefs, supporters of this theory fail to recognize that some societies have better reasons for their beliefs than others.
Teleological Ethical System This theory is considered the liberal approach. The basic view behind teleological ethics is to bring about what is good in the world, and avoid what is bad or evil. Moral judgments in many situations come down to thinking about the consequences of one's actions, and doing what one believes will bring about the greater good. Two theories represent the consequence ethical theory; Ethical Egoism and Utilitarianism. (www.nwmissouri.edu). .
A supporter of Ethical Egoism would make all decisions on what best serves the person who is making the decision. Their principle belief is that one should do whatever is in one's own best interests. However, it is important to hear what the Ethical Egoism believer is not saying.
First, what the Ethical Egoist beliefs are not saying is, one should not act selfishly but act in a fashion that is not only good for others, but will also benefits oneself. Second, this is not saying that one should do what he or she wants to do, but the most reasonable decision in light of all available evidence promoting one interests, both physically and psychologically (www.