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            "But something kept her from making that initial cut "the fear that once Georg was more like other boys, she would lose him as a friend - and yet, she wanted him to be liked by others, wanted him to be happy. She held the scissors in one hand, a lock of hair in the other-(82).
             Trudi understood that the only real reason that Georg and her became friends, and pretty much continued to be friends because of their similarity in their difference. She also realizes that their friendship won't last forever, because unlike Trudi's difference, Georg's is only temporary and easily changed. Georg wants to be accepted by the other boys, however, and this is why he asks Trudi to cut his hair. Trudi almost hates him for this because asking to cut his hair is almost like saying he does not want to be part of the losers' club anymore, he wants out. However, Trudi wanted him to be happy and to be liked by others almost as if she is vicariously living through Georg. She must make a choice of either a temporary friendship, she know will come to an end eventually because it is inevitable that Georg will get a haircut, or she can deny him the haircut only to become a traitor in Georg's eyes, as it to him would seem that she wishes to prolong his ridicule in public. Trudi is very compassionate for others, and although she is very vulnerable on the inside she is afraid to face disappointment. She represses her true feelings deep inside her and do not allow them to surface to anyone, she is always very secretive about her feelings. She understands the harsh realities of life, and that Georg will not always be her friend. She does not choose to deny that fact or try to prolong it, she just deals with it and moves on. .
             "When Georg clambered into the willow, took off his swim trunk and draped it across a branch, she closed her eyes for a moment, not from embarrassment, but rather from compassion that - in his efforts to be like the other boys "he went further than they would have.

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