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" (Kass, Cloning is Unethical) While this doctor is an advocate of cloning animals, he is not in anyway supporting the cloning of human being. People in the business of cloning animals are even against the cloning of humans, he realizes the detrimental effects of cloning humans. Cloning takes away the individuality and there is no way the clone will turn out the same as the original. .
             Cloning and genetically engineering babies is very selfish and is playing God, so is cloning ones self. Creating 'designer babies' would be wrong and selfishness of the parents. The individuality coming into the world would be an instrument of the parents' desires, not God. Cloning oneself would be egoism made manifest. Furthermore, recreating exact physical copies is not a guarantee that the same individuality will be recreated. Different individualities shape the form and function of their physical bodies according to their needs, inclinations and desires, such that in the course of time these bodies even grow to look different. You are only cloning the physical looks, not the brain and personality. .
             "Clones are already proving to be old before their time and animal experiments show that it is highly wasteful of eggs and embryos. Hundreds are needed for one successful clone" (Heaf, Lists of Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering) Tests have shown that cloned animals show rapid signs of aging and will live a shorter lifespan than that of the original. Imagine if you were the clone created 20 years later and live shorter than your original. .
             If a human were cloned, do you think they that would let him walk around freely? The correct answer is no. He/She would be kept in a room for testing his entire life. He would be a mere object and not a human being, free to walk the earth. This inhuman treatment would not be put up with, as it is unethical. The subject would not be able to live a normal life and would therefore not show the true effects of cloning and how the individual would turn out.

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