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            I can't say that I have a hero; I can't say that just one person has changed my life, or influenced me in any way. What I do have is more than one hero, all equally important. My heroes are the soldiers who fight for our freedom in other countries, the police who maintain order and enforce law here in the US and the firefighters who help protect life in times of need.
             Soldiers are my heroes because they risk their lives to fight for and protect the people who want nothing more than their freedom. Right now, they are fighting in the Middle East, putting their lives on the line to protect the average citizen from biological, chemical, and terrorist attacks. My father was in the Air Force during Vietnam, as was my mother, and they both did their duty. My brother was in the Army, and when the US was going to invade Haiti, he was to be one of the first to parachute in. I also know an Apache pilot who, right now, is in Iraq, rescuing and protecting the innocent.
             Police are also heroes to me. They are the protectors here, in the US, who stand between us and the criminals who cause problems, and sometimes sacrifice themselves in the line of duty. Everyday, police protect the innocent, and on 9/11, many died trying to save others. Many officers gave their lives that day, so that others might live. The police protect us at home, while soldiers fight overseas.
             Firefighters cannot be forgotten, either, as they are equally important today in protecting people. They jeopardize their own lives to rescue people from burning buildings. They are the ones who enter a dangerous situation to protect. They also paid the ultimate price on 9/11. Firefighters came from all over the country to help on that day, and others who retired returned to give help to those that needed it. Relentlessly, they kept on searching; hoping to rescue any survivors.
             You can see how Police Officers, Fire Fighters, and Soldiers are my heroes; none more than the others.

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