edu) (Kakar 123-125). .
There are different forms of abuse physical, psychological, sexual, economic, and emotional. The intent for the abuser is to control the women through isolation, pain, and fear; which he does succeed in. Emotional abuse can consist of name calling, insulting, humiliation, criticizing, blaming, accusing, intense jealousy, or forcing you to do something against your will. Sexual abuse consists of unwanted touching, withholding or demanding sex, forcing sex, martial rape, or insisting on anything sexual that frightens or hurts you. Economic abuse may consists of refusing to work or be responsible for finances, making you ask for money, keeping you in poverty, and demanding an accounting for everything you buy. Physical abuse consists of pushing, pinching, slapping, chocking, pinning you down, breaking down a door to get to you, breaking bones, using any type of weapon against you, driving at an unsafe speed to intimidate you, biting, pulling your hair, or throwing things (Browne 13) ( .
"Women who leave batterers are at a 75% greater risk of being killed" ( The number one reason why women do stay in a abusive relationship is the fear of being killed if they do leave. Some other reasons why women stay is the commitment to the relationship, lack of self confidence as a result of the abusers abuse, the victim has no place to go because the batterer has isolated them from everyone and everything, a hope of change because the batterer apologizes and promises during the "honey moon stage", Economic dependency, and the well planned out process to leave and stay away safely is very hard (NiCarthy 15-17) ( .
Violence in the family is usually passed down from generation to generation (kakar 22). Unfortunately in most of these cases children are involved and do witness the abuse to their mother. These children sadly repeat the same offenses once they enter a personal relationship of their own.