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The main reason that fills the definition paradox is China. "China, uncomfortable with the prospect of assimilation on the basis of political orientation to a soviet bloc, preferred alignment with the Third World." China continues the paradox now since its rise a superpower, but its forced economic situation which has been thrust upon it by the first world makes it a continuum of abnormality. Other nations perpetuate the Third World definition paradox include Singapore, the British colony of Hong Kong, and a few others. The notion of Third World is commonly accepted especially amongst scholars in Latin America and the Caribbean. The term Third World is now widely thought to be by its member nations as a clear derogatory exclamation by the first world. Rethinking Third World Cinema describes this new idea held by the Third world as, "an adjective of contempt by western news Medias in whose hands it serves to denote national backwardness political corruption, dictatorship, or indigent mendicancy at the feet of the world back." .
             There are six factors that are distinct to the experience of the Third World. The first is the nature of social structures shaped by the force of tradition and the impact of colonialism. Every region around the world has in one way or another been a subject to European colonialism. The most important aspect of this first factor is defining the nature of social structures. Social Structures is defines as the centralization of all activities that attempt to govern, and all that governing suggest such as politics, economics, agriculture, military, education, they are the common structures that run society. The fundamental nature of these social structures is to provide for the society in which they operate within. The issues are raised after the long statuses of these social structures are broken by the conquering of colonialist powers. Once a territory is conquered its traditions become second it terms of culture, economics, history, and they develop a new ideological way in which there own structures must or now forced to be run.

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