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" - it is rather a description not an exact symbol, but nevertheless phallic, it has even oral connotations. .
             "Petals were voluminous enough to be stirred by the breeze" - petals are the symbol for labia of vulva. .
             "Shell of a snail" - snail and shell are the most typical symbols for the female sexual organ. The author intentionally piles up symbols this way, even if in this case the semantic content of "shell" does not belong to the aquatic mollusks. "Or falling into a raindrop, it expanded with such an intensity of red, blue and yellow the thin walls of water that one expected them to burst and disappear." Raindrop is the symbol of seminal fluid and sperm. The raindrop almost explodes here, what would mean an ejaculation. We can find this in the following lines: .
             "Then the breeze stirred rather more briskly overhead and the color was flashed into the air above, into the eyes of the men and women" - a fairly beautiful picture, and rather vulgar in its other meaning. Of those two, making love we find only his orgasm in the first paragraph. Immediately in the beginning, in the first paragraph, said in a vulgar way it is "ejaculatio precox". .
             When we meet the snail again the setting changes a bit. "In the oval shape flower-bed the snail, whose shell had been stained red. now appeared to be moving very slightly in its shell, and next began to labor over." "It appeared to have a definite goal in front of it, differing in this respect from the singular high stepping angular green insect who attempted to cross in front of it, and waited its antennae trembling as if deliberation, and stepped off as rapidly and strangely in the opposite direction." We see both poles here, the hard laboring woman pacing steadily for her goal for her orgasm, and the man with his trembling antennae, who tries but then steps off rapidly. .
             "Brown cliffs with deep green lakes in the hollows, flat, blade-like trees that moved rapidly from root to tip, round boulders of greystone, vast crumpled surfaces of a thin crackling texture - all these objects lay across the snails progress between on stalk and another to his goal.

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