I felt that both of these articles were well written although a bit too broad. I could locate major points and concerns but I wish both authors would have expanded on them. I enjoyed Campbell's article titled, Moving on: Parental Breakups May Not Always Be Bad for Kids, because it seemed to make more sense to me. I do not believe that divorce is a horrible thing because sometimes things just don't work out. I agree with Campbell that couples that stay together for the wrong reasons and continue to argue could damage the child further. I will now discuss some issues about divorce using ideas learned through class and research. .
Although the process of divorce is extremely personal, when researching divorce rates, one should be aware of societies" role in an American divorce. For instance, the degree an individual interacts with others within a community has shown to be correlated with the rate of divorce. This process is called social integration. In this case, the less likely an individual is socially accepted and/or a part of a larger community, the more likely the incidence of divorce occurs. However, if an individual feels that they have been accepted and integrated within a larger community (possibly due to the sharing of cultural norms and values) the less likely divorce will occur. Another way society affects divorce rate in America is the change in the traditional nature of the family. Compared to our parents, we are a generation that has been raised many different non-traditional methods. Instead of the traditional father and mother raising a child together working in an egalitarian manner, our generation is seeing more single mothers and fathers attempting to raise their children by themselves. This task of child rearing is extremely strenuous and time-consuming for single parents who work day-in and day-out to survive. Unfortunately, the children suffer the greatest loss and turn to other means for emotional support.