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APENG Summer Assignment


Instead he shares his food in fear that someone will surely come after him if they didn't get their "fair share". This reminded me of when my mom would give me her car keys when she went away and my sister and brother would attack me for them so that they could drive. It drove me insane because they would do anything to get them, even if they hurt me. It was terrible. Then there's the scene on pages 223 to 224 when the father goes away for a factory job and the family is waiting for the first check, in hopes of finally getting a nice meal. The eager waiting of each person in that family is so saddening as the Angelus bells ring at six, and still there wasn't a sign of their father's telegram. I was once again laying on my couch, but the only thing different was that this passage struck an emotion in me and tears fell from my eyes. I hate thinking of the fact that there are people out there less fortunate then me. It really helps me think though about taking things for granted. The last scene I chose from this book on page 270 when the father returns home on Christmas expecting everything to be merry, only maybe getting a little lip from his wife. However all three boys of the family confront him on his problem. They each repeat the same term over, "You drank the money Dad". The fact about his children saying that to him just shows how his possession as a father has failed. I was glad that they finally stood up to him and confronted him. That man was one of the worst fathers I have read about. In the end I realized that I didn't like this book at all. I hardly understood what they were talking about and what I did understand, I didn't like. Like I already stated, I hate reading about people less fortunate than me, but I know there's always going to be poverty in the world, I just wish I could change it.
             The next book I read was "Their Eyes Were Watching God". I particuarly enjoyed this book very much, very well written and I loved the slang.

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