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He was a faithful disciple who spread the information that Napoleon gave him about animalism and the revolution to all the other animals on the farm. He explained it in a simple way that the animals could understand. Boxer convinced himself and the other animals that "If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right."" P.70. Thanks to Boxer and his dedication, Napoleon managed to prime the animals for revolution. "His answer to every problem was, I will work harder!' "which he adopted as his personal motto."" P.47. Inspired the animals on the farm who looked up to Boxer and worked very hard after seeing his enormous strength and stamina. Now that all the animals were working twice as hard, they were bringing in more crops to the stables, which meant more food for Napoleon, the other pigs, but just a little more for each animal. Boxer's hard work brought prestige to Napoleon as it helped to establish that he was a good leader. Boxer's hard work and determination to be a good comrade led him to believe everything Napoleon told him, though. One of Boxer's mottos "Napoleon is always right."" inspired the horse to work harder to build each windmill which almost killed him. Boxer showed faith in Napoleon, and he did not question anything which might have appeared wrong. Boxer's help in building the windmill gave Napoleon the ultimate power and secured his position as the leader. This allowed him to be in a position where he could manipulate the animals for his own benefit and profit. The building of the windmill, which was, mostly due to Boxer's determination and influences on the other animals, helped show the human world that Napoleon was a force to be respected and feared.
             Napoleon, obviously, was just using Boxer because of his strength, loyalty, and the fact that his mind was very easily manipulated to think what Napoleon needed Boxer to think. When he got older, Napoleon all of a sudden had no use for the elderly work horse.

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