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The Simpson Sources


In Lisa the tree hugger- Lisa falls for a very popular naturalist figure. When she joins dirt first, the naturalist organization, she decides to camp out in a giant redwood tree to keep it from being destroyed. One night when she gets extremely lonely Lisa climbs down from the tree and sneaks home. While she is home the tree is struck by lightning and destroyed. Everyone believes that she is a martyr and should be idolized. As a memory to Lisa, Lisa land is built. A complete theme park shaped around her the redwood is part of the sign. When Lisa comes out and says she isn't dead people are outraged and the log falls. It then rolls all the way across the country and out to sea in the pacific destroying everything in its path. These types of issues are carried over into religion as well.
             One particular article I found deals with the issues of religion when it is brought up in the show. The family by the show is protestant. However so many more issues and religions are covered in the 14 seasons. Ape the quick-e-mart attendant is Indian and this issue has come up several times. "Church Leaders Praise Simpsons Ability to teach lessons of farthing funny way."" The title speaks volumes; the show attracts people from all walks off life and therefore all different religions and doesn't offend them so much they quit watching. Many other shows avoid these issues because they are afraid it will hurt the ratings. The most amazing thing though is that people of the cloth are actually using the show in relaying messages and helping people deal with issues in their lives. I feel you would be hard pressed to find any other show being shown and discussed on so many levels in a church. The noted issue is when Bart asked what soul was. Although there was never a clear answer to the question many ideas and beliefs that people live by were relayed. Not just religious people follow the show though people all over worship the show and support it by buying books and merchandise.

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