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Merger Acquisition Plan


Vast differences in the two corporate cultures must be identified early on. These differences must be compromised so that employees of both organizations are not given the impression one culture is favored over the other. The management team must also outline the technology integration activities to ensure maximum cost efficiency with minimal operational interruption. The management team will then prospect future marketing and sales according to the goals of all merger partners.
             Communicating the Plan .
             The organization will be notified via company e-mail, and organization website. Initial questions or concerns will be addressed at the following staff meeting after which concerns can be submitted via e-mail to the merger management team. Accommodations will be made for employees who are uncomfortable sharing concerns or questions through an electronic media. Written and verbal concerns may also be shared with the merger management team. If a face-to-face meeting is requested by an employee, it may be scheduled through the merger management team's administrative assistant.
             Managing the Planned Change .
             As a result of the transition, there will be changes in staff, work assignments, technology, and competition. The organization is required to adapt to these changes in order for the organization to survive. Resistance to these changes is expected, so tactics will be utilized to deal with both individual and organizational resistance (Organizational Behavior 377-378). The tactics utilized are education, communication, employee participation, facilitation and support, negotiation, manipulation, and coercion.
             Employee feedback is important, not only for managing resistance, but it keeps the management team informed on how the transition is affecting the employees. A weekly survey will be posted on the organization website and all other questions or concerns will be directed to the merger management team via e-mail.

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