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             There seemed to be nothing holding Hitler back from introducing more severe anti-Semitic measures. Then the last of the remaining right of the Jews were taken away. Jews could no longer name their own children, except from an approves list and the Jewish doctors had their qualifications cancelled.
             November 9th 1938, there occurred a series of violent incidents, now known as Kristallpacht (crystal night). Over 7000 Jewish shops were smashed and demolished throughout Germany, many synagogues were burnt down.
             Up to 40 000 Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps. All of this was in retaliation to the shooting of a German official in the Paris embassy, by a Jew.
             During 1941 - 1945 the Nazis exterminated about six million Jews I camps such as "Auschwitz", "Treblinka" and "Sobibor". The decision was taken in 1941 and the "Final Solution" to the Jewish problem was given to Heydrich to direct. This murderous policy was perhaps at the back of Hitler's mind from the time that he wrote "Mein Kamf", but it took the special situation of the Second World War to convince him that it could be put into practice.
             The Nazi Foreign Policy.
             1933, for the first three years in power Hitler was careful in his foreign policy. He wanted to be considered a peacemaker, rather than a misleading war-monger. He wanted to increase his power with in Germany first, and take no chances while Germany was building up its military strengths.
             Hitler made his first major move by withdrawing Germany from the Disarmament Conference and the League of Nations. This made it clear that Germany intended to re-arm, but Hitler also wanted to prove that he was not contemplating war.
             In 1935 he signed a non-aggression pact with Poland, by which the two countries agreed not to attack eachother.This seemed to demonstrate that Germany had no hostile intentions against its neighbors.
             Even so, Germanys still had problems at this stage.
             In 1934, the German Air Force "Luftwaffe" was set up.

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