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             (Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 2000). These three parts either balance each other out and result in .
             a moral, law abiding, yet still sexually driven person (the ego), or a person whom is immoral (the.
             id) or self-important (the super-ego). .
             Many times with the id, ego, or super-ego there are repressions that lie deep beneath.
             them. Freud felt that many repressions were rooted in the early childhood. Two of the main.
             repressions which can pop up if triggered during the later stages of adulthood are the Oedipus.
             complex in boys and the Electra complex in girls. The Oedipus complex deals with the boy's hate.
             toward his father for taking away his mother's love. The Electra complex is the exact opposite.
             where the girl spites her mother for taking away her father's love. If and when these complexes.
             reemerge, Freud believes that the "endo-psychic censor" would disguise the true meaning that the.
             conscious mind feels during dreams. The purpose of this psychic censor is to allow the dreamer.
             to find mental expression of and some relief from all these repressed longings (Douglas, 1995). .
             Freud also divided the dream into two types: The manifest and the latent. The manifest deals with.
             the experiences when the dreamer is awake and the latent is the plot and the real meaning behind.
             the dream. Because Freud's theories were so sexually oriented, during and after Freud's life his.
             theories often took great criticism. .
             Alfred Adler associated early in his career with Freud. Unlike Freud however, Adler.
             placed the importance of conscious thought process and social urges over sexual repression. .
             Adler associated dreams with a drive toward power and success. Adler thought that the way we.
             act in our dreams is the way we would like to act in the real life, as if they were rehearsals for the.
             real world. Our fears can be displayed in our dreams and overcome so they will not show up in.
             life. Adler held that if the individual did not live up to their potential they would rely on their.

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