As an ethical practitioner I will treat each individual, whether a colleague or student, with respect.
regardless of ability, gender, or cultural differences. Also, I believe an ethical practitioner will not.
discuss a student's problems in school with other parents or students; confidentiality is very.
important. .
As an effective decision maker I will possess the skills to be able to make a decision in a.
moment's notice and feel confident that the right choice was made. Decisions are not always.
going to be easy to make or may take in-depth thinking especially when the future of a child is.
involved. There will be times when I must be like a willow tree, standing tall and strong, yet be.
I will be an effective communicator to students, parents, colleagues, teacher aides, and school.
administration. I feel communication with students needs to be done on a level the child can.
understand. The communication between parents and a teacher is vital to a child's success in.
school. I will keep parents notified of classroom activity and progress through weekly.
newsletters, parent-teacher conferences, telephone calls if necessary, and in the hallways. I will be.
available to all parents to talk to after school hours. I want the parents of my students to feel.
appreciated for all the help they give their child, I will do this by sending home a weekly.
newsletter and thanking them for the help they give their child with homework and other projects. .
I feel that letting parents know you appreciate them and all they do with their child will go a long.
way to making a positive impact on their involvement with their child's education.
Communication between other teachers and teacher's aides should be kept on a professional level.
when it involves a student, don't discuss the student's problems with colleagues unless you are.
looking for outside help on a behavior or referral issue. .
As a reflective thinker, I will plan lessons that are effective, evaluate how well I deliver those.