Also, to show how region plays a part in the separatist of religion. The difference of Roman Catholicism is that they acknowledge supreme authority to the bishop of Rome, know as the pope, and the acknowledgement of the Diocese in charge of the particular political region. However, Catholicism is still a branch of Christianity encompassing the same beliefs, but with a different interpretation due to the spread of this "new- religion by the apostle Paul in Rome. The Greek Orthodox Church is a fellowship of Christian churches headed by their main Bishp. The Greek Orthodox has seen itself as the organic continuation of the original apostolic community. Yet they follow traditional Christian beliefs and practices. The only difference is interpretation, and if were not for ignorance, there would be no different interpretations. Even Islam is a stem from Christianity and Judaism. They have the same beliefs of Creation. Islam is believed to be the perfected ideal of the two religions first revealed by Abraham, and prophet revealed in the Islamic Quran, Christian Bible, and Jewish Torah. A profession of faith is central to Islam as is a factor of Christian and Jewish is belief. In fact, Muslims accept the teachings of the Bible and the Quran. But one thing that separates the three our their belief and interpretation of Jesus, whom is not though to be The Messiah or the son of God by Jews and Muslims. However all of these religions are faith based religions. Spiritual Traditions such as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Hinduism believe in the intricate social hierarchy, but believe in rather conforming to it, become a part of it and follow the natural way of things. These beliefs also encompass reincarnation as an afterlife until eternal bliss was reached. In these spiritual traditions, the ideal is eternal bliss. In all of these religions, it is believed that man was made with the intent of bliss, but later on would come to an internal struggle with evil of the world.