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The Cuba Crisis


Such a point was finally found with the accession to power (Machtergreifung) of Fidel Castro on Cuba. The prime minister Fidel Castro who 1960 began to put economy under state control, approached politically and economically more and more to the Soviet Union - which represented a not acceptable safety risk for the USA.
             The on november 8th 1960 new elected democratic president of the USA, John Fitzgerald Kennedy wanted to dam the soviet influence on Cuba - because of this he put at the beginning of his term of office in april 1961 a decision which first inflicted (zufugen) high damage in foreign politics - he allowed the invasion plan of the CIA. On april 10th 1961 an in the USA trained invasion troop of living in exile cubanes landed in the ,,Bay of Pigs", which had the aim to stop the prosoviet activities on Cuba. The CIA didn't recognize the critical situation on Cuba and assured that after the landing of Castro - hostile troops and a rebellious army with parts of the cubane military forces would be there to help. But this wasn't so, in contrary, the invadors had a lot of opposition. After 10 days the invasion was suppressed and the still living exile - cubanes were taken as prisoners. This plan, supported by the US government got a lot of critisism from the russian states and even from western states. The russian prime minister Nikita Chruschtschow now could call JFK and the USA as aggressors and threaten with an intervention on Cuba. .
             At the 2nd of september 1962 the SU announced in Moscow that they deliver weapons to Cuba. At the 4th of september Kennedy declared, that the USA would prevent violent actions of Cuba in the western world with all means. The SU countered warning that every aggression against Cuba would lead to a common war. At the 25th of September F. Castro allowed the SU to station a fishing fleet which the USA of course valued (werten) as a deception (Tãuschung).

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