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Africa's Hope for the Future,


unicef.org, 2002, December 12). From UNICEF other organizations, such as those mentioned in the introduction, have been founded and attempt to bring supplies that will better a child's life and also bring in tools necessary to educate the children.
             The tangible aid NGOs give to African children include supplies, food and equipment. An organization that greatly helps he children of Africa is named Africa's Promise. Africa's Promise supplies food and school supplies. School supplies range from paper and pencils to Braille equipment (http://www.africaspromise.net, 2002, November 8). Some AIDS foundations provide waiving of or monetary assistance for school fees which enables the African children to gain an education and become working citizens in their society (Kelso, 1994). The United Nations International Children's fund provides supplies for childrens' basic needs. The objective is to help strengthen the country's ability to support children's basic needs from the help of UNICEF and it leads to the strengthening of children's capacities as well (www.unicef.org, 2002, November 8). When the children receive all that the organizations have to offer, quality of life will increase for them because they will be healthier and more educated. When the quality of the childrens' lives go up then the whole country will become better for everyone. .
             Along with tangible resources, intangible resources are provided by NGOs as well. Some intangible resources can include succession planning, family support, and counseling. The Hope for African Children Initiative has objectives that hope for society aware of AIDS and knowledgeable of realistic measures to increase the children's quality of life. HACI works to extend parent-child relationships through nutrition and home care, and provides a promise of continued education and health care if a parent dies. Additionally, they provide a service called succession planning.

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