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Architectural wonders such as the circus Maximus are still available to be seen today. The Roman's were also great literalists, who ruled supreme in the art of rhetoric. Great poets, philosophers and political analysts such as Cicero added their weight to the importance of the Roman era. Yet all most of the above contributions have had a base before Rome and all Rome did was improve on Hellenised ideas. (Kagan) Hellenisation was the spread of Greek ideas incorporated into the daily lives of people under either the rule of the Greeks or influenced by them. Even though Greece was ruling supreme at least five hundred years before Rome had even an identity, their philosophy, military strategies, politics as well as literature is still very much incorporated into practically every advanced civilization since their time; ours very much included. The classical age of Greece was a period of unparalleled achievement. It carried forward the tradition of rational, secular speculation in natural philosophy and science, but turned its attention more to human questions in medicine and ethical and political philosophy. While the rest of the world continued to be characterized by monarchial, hierarchical, command societies, in Athens democracy was carried as far as it would go before modern times. Democracy disappeared with the end of Greek autonomy in the late fourth century B.C. When it returned in the modern world more than two millennia later, it was broader but shallower. (Internet2) It was in this democratic system that the greatest artistic, literary and philosophical achievements took place. A naturalistic form of art took place evolved that placed human beings as they might ideally look like. This approach in art was passed down to the Romans and disappeared to emerge strongly in the renaissance era. (Ozment) The conquests of Alexander and the Hellenistic civilization that came with them greatly affected the previously conquered societies and their neighbors.

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