Just as those who opposed the views of Hitler were removed from society, the characters in Brave New World who went against the group view were exiled. .
Drug abuse has been a problem for thousands of years. It is no different between the state sponsored addiction in Brave New World and today's illegal abuses. Both provide and escape from the happenings of the real world for the user. While Soma is clearly a drug it is not seen as one. The group mindset portrayed it as something essential to everyday life. Interestingly, this is the same mindset seen by drug addicts in our society. They see the substances that they use as part of their daily lives, much the same as the Soma. .
The use of Soma by the entire society is similar to today's debate on legalizing drugs. Some argue that legalizing drugs will stop the use by addicts and youth. While this may sound like an acceptable plan to some look no further than the citizens in Brave New World for examples. They cannot live without their Soma rations. Drugs have become such a part of their lives that the drugs replace negative emotion. Bad days never exist on Soma. Lenina Crowne proves this then she is being lectured at the gate to the Savage Reservation and does not wish to endure the boredom anymore. Huxley describes the effects of the pill: "with the result that she could now sit, serenely not listening, thinking of nothing at all." Who says that with legalized drugs like marijuana or LSD someone would not want an escape from reality. It would be the perfect escape.
Besides the state sponsored drug abuse, mental conditioning is another part of the lives for those who live in the "brave new world". From a young age, citizens are subjected to hypnopaedia, in effect sleep training, where life morals and lessons are taught through unconscious memorization. Lenina again serves as the perfect example when she constantly spouts out the phrases that have been drilled into her head since early childhood.