At this same time animal protection group formed, one unparticular lead by a philosopher by the name of Jeremy Bentham, with the help of his rallies the first "anti-cruelty" laws were passes in Britain in 1789. Animals .
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were still used in testing until after World War Two when the chemical industry went sky-rocketing " a multiplication of government regulations and a rapid influx of funding for biomedical research led to explosive growth in animal experiments." ( Since then, animal testing has been used regularly. It is estimated that tens of millions of animals are tested annually. Many people agree with it saying that it will help us excel in medical research and even in finding cures for incurable diseases as AIDS or cancer. While others are very against animal testing saying it is unethical, immoral, and is unfair to animal rights.
Those who feel that animal testing is ethical argue that they are not testing on animals to merely hurt them but to gain the best understanding possible of the diseases they are studying and the cures for them. As Amalia Guaitani, author of "Animals In Toxicological Research" says "There are two main reasons for our efforts in the field of laboratory animal medicine. 1) to help the biomedical research community get better, more reliable and more reproducible results out of animal experimentation, and 2) to reduce the number of animals used in experiments, above all to fulfill our ethical obligation of active .
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animal protection, but also for economic reasons." (p. 3). When Jacquie Calnan was asked about what she thinks about the people who are against testing on animals in the in the October 14, 1998 edition of the Washington Times she replied "Perhaps animal rights groups and others opposed to medical research with animals should take a moment to ponder the consequences of denying scientists access to the invaluable tool of animal research in their quest for cures for AIDS, cancer, spinal cord injuries, Alzheimer's, coronary disease and other illnesses.