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Social and Economic Policies o


             Everyone had a role In the Volksgemeinschaft however for women this was a more specific role as Hitler saw women as weaker and inferior. Under the constitution of the Weimar republic women had been give equal rights with men, however when the Nazis came into power these rights were abolished. Married women were forced out of the work force in favour for men. Single women were still allowed to work however many professions, like law, were closed to them. Their unequal status in the Nazi society did not turn women away from the supporting the Nazi regime. Many women were happy to return to the more traditional role of housewife and mother.
             2. "The role of women was confined to the role of family life and mother hood."".
             The slogan, "Kinder, Kirche und Kuche- (children, church and kitchen), was often used to sum up the role of women in the new Nazi society. The reintroduced role of motherhood and looking after their husband were taught to girl at school. Any thing to do with fashion, wearing of make-up, hair dyeing and high-heeled shoes, was considered un-German. Women were discouraged from having slim figures as a slim figure was said to cause problems with pregnancy. Women were also discouraged from smoking as this was considered non-German.
             The Nazis introduced polices to increase the number of births of racially pure Germans as the birth rate had been declining since world war one. People were encouraged to marry and have a large family of at least four children. Families with four or more children received concessions like reduced gas and electricity bills and discounted rail fares. The Law for the Promotion of Marriage of 1934 allowed all newly married couples, which passed as "genetically healthy-, would be eligible to get a 1000 mark government loan. This was about 9 months average income. 800,000 newly weds took up this offer. This loan was not to be simply paid back. The birth of one child meant that 25% of the loan did not have to be paid back.

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