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aristotle on bravery


"Hence whoever stands firm against the right things and fears the right things, for the right end, in the right way, at the right time, and is correspondingly confident is the brave person."(1115b 15-20) Aristotle then explains that a brave person aims at what is fine. What is fine to a brave person is bravery. Therefore the end is fine, since each thing is defined by its end. A brave person shows what bravery is by standing firm and through his actions. A brave person who goes to excess is one who is excessively fearless. They are excessively confident about frightening things, making them rash. Sometimes this person may be a boaster and a pretender to bravery. A rash person will act that they are fearless and appear to have qualities of the brave person but they never stand firm against anything frightening. A rash person wishes for dangers to come, but when they do he cowers, but a brave person is eager in action and keeps quiet until then. A brave person that has deficiency is a coward. He fears the wrong things in the wrong way. He has a deficiency in confidence and he is afraid of everything, while the brave person is hopeful which is one of the ends of confidence. "Hence the coward, the rash person and the brave person are all concerned with the same things, but have different states related to them; the others are excessive or defective but the brave person has the intermediate and right state."(1115a 5-7) Aristotle then distinquieshes between some misconception of what most people assume bravery is, when in all actuality these are not genuine bravery; bravery of citizens, experience and expertise, emotion, hopefulness, ignorance. He says that citizen's bravery comes first because they stand firm against dangers with the aim to avoid legal problems or gaining honors. He also says the bravest seem to be, "those who hold cowards in dishonour and do honour to brave people."(1116a 20-23) He states that a lot of the time this class of people are compelled to be brave because of their superiors, when they should be brave when it is fine and not just when they are complelled.

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