In this way, the Chamber of Deputies kept changing, and as their confidence was essential to the Prime Minister, so he kept changing in the same way- Italy never made progress.
This corruption also meant that anyone who was actually voted in did not represent the wishes of the people in any way. Even if voted in legitimately, only 2% of the population had the vote initially (this rose to 25% of adult males in 1912) so the wishes of the people were totally insignificant to who was in and who was out. Many people also chose not to vote: the initial enemy to the Liberal state, Catholicism, divided the country. The Risorgimento led to the removal of the Papal States from the Pope- he now only possessed the Vatican City. In addition to this, Liberalism allowed religious freedom, which the Pope disagreed with. He denounced the new state, and instructed Catholics everywhere not to take part in the new state. Many Priests agreed and told their followers not to vote. This truly was a "debased" Government.
So the picture painted by this was one of division, and a small number of voters who didn't vote with their hearts. Therefore, the people didn't get anything they wanted: all they got were shortages of food, land and, later, being forced into the army. At the turn of the century, Italy was the most highly taxed nation in Europe. The wars of unification were still having an impact, inflicting huge debts on the Government. These aspects were creating something significant, a gulf between "Real Italy" and "Legal Italy"-basically, most thought Italy was not their country, merely the force that made them pay taxes and join up.
This gulf was what sent Italy into total crisis in 1890. The liberal state began to come under attack in a multitude of different ways. From 1892-1894, there was massive unrest by the peasants. 40000 troops were called in to quash this restlessness brought on by the system.