Motivation is a reflection of the reasons why people do things. All behavior has purposes. All behavior is therefore based on choice; people choose to do things they do. Some times this choice is very restricted (sink or swim for example). Sometimes it's constrained by the law (for example, stop the car when traffic lights are red). And again it's constrained by social norms and processes. In each case how ever there is a choice, though the propensity, encouragement, direction to choose one course of action rather that another depend on the extend of emphasis on above factors.
There's a direct correlation between going through a lot of trouble to motivate staff and profitable business performance. In the first place, the ability to motivate staff in the work place stems from understanding the following.
• A general appreciation of how human beings "behave" in particular situations and in response to their needs to satisfy and fulfill basic drives, instincts, needs and wants. Some of these are instinctive; others are the product of the civilization in which they live, and the socialization process therein. Others still are the process occupation held by the individual and the education, training, ethics, standard and aspirations thus instilled. Finally the organization itself impinges on the behavior of the individual, in terms of the structure, style, shared values, and work practices adapted. .
• An understanding of the nature of the "work" that must be carried out,.
And the effect that this will have, or is likely to have , on those who are to do it. This has to do with the extent of intrinsic satisfaction and fulfillment that is present that is present in the work; the interface between human resource and technology; and, again the style of management and supervision that is to be adapted.
• The wider standards and expectations of relationships between human at organizations.