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rite an essay that describes y


            There are two people in the world who are essential to my life as an educated person. Reading has been my old friend who I meet up with on and off. Every once in a while, I receive offers in the mail which contain small print and require the help of Reading to decipher. Reading seems to live so far away that I always hesitate before using. I would much rather stay by my dear TV and listen to her sweet voice than wasting my youthful days with Reading. But occasionally I do pay Reading my respects and I usually get a little too much information about all the events he covers. Now since school has begun and the University level is so difficult, I will again need Reading to assist me in surviving my Traditional and Cultures Course.
             My relationship with Writing was on a completely different level. Unfortunately, I broke up with Writing three months ago when school ended. Those three long months were my happiest days of the whole year. I went camping and hiking and never once thought about Writing. But deep inside, I miss Writing a little. I remember when we were together in my room; we created beautiful poetry. Now that Writing is gone, TV is what keeps me going. The fall semester has arrived and it brings me close to Writing once more. I wish I could somehow renew my relationship with Writing because I am not very good at English and I hope my Writing could help me pass.

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