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Contributions of Muslims


             The study of astronomy also lead to a greater understanding of mathematics. It was necessary for the further development of astronomy as well as many other science disciplines. One of the greatest mathematicians of this era was Al-Khwarizmi who gave his name to the study of algorithm though a corruption of his name by the Latin translators who read it as Algorism (Zahhor, 1992). .
             Al-Khwarizmi was a great mathematician, and founded several different branches along with many of the basic concepts of the mathematics we use today and was an accomplished geographer and astronomer (Zahhor, 1992). .
             One of the most influential developments was his role as the founder of algebra, and although he may be hated by many school children it is through the use of algebra many other scientific concepts can be discover, examined and understood and further studied (Zahhor, 1992). .
             As the founder of Algebra he took this to the extent of not only defining and developing the subject but also developing the way that analysis solutions could be developed to both linear as well as quadratic equations (Zahoor, 1992). Even the term Algebra comes from the book he wrote, Al-Jabr wa-al-Muqabilah, in which he published trigonometric which included sine functions and calculations from which tangent function where later extrapolated (Zahoor, 1992). He developed the use of symbols as well as numbers in order to assist the calculations (Stanton, 1953).
             In addition to this the study of calculus was also developed by this man, who developed 'the calculus of two errors' as well as refining many other pre-existing ideas such as geometric concepts (Zahoor, 1992). His contribution to the world of mathematics was great, as Stanton puts it " He enhanced the purely arithmetical character of numbers as finite magnitudes by demonstrating their possibilities as elements of infinite manipulations and investigations of properties and relations" (Stanton, 1953; 27).

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