How was the earth created? This is a question that has puzzled humans for ages.
main theories that explain how the earth was formed. These are the theories of evolution and creation. The .
creation theory is divided into various groups. The most accepted creation theory is the one of the biblical .
creationists. Biblical creation and evolution are very different, and both have indicators as to their .
authenticity. .
In evolution life is seen as having resulted by natural processes only. The theory suggests that in .
the past there were extended intervals of stability which ended with a mass extinction and the sudden .
appearance of a new species. This process occured without the intervention of supernatural forces or .
dieties. Nearly all modern scientists who are not Evangelical Christians believe in evolution. .
Biblical creationists are also called literal creationists, because they interpret the two Genesis .
accounts of creation in the Bible literally and believe that the Bible is without error. They believe that the .
"day" mentioned in Genesis 1 signifies a normal 24 hour day. According to this creation the universe was .
established in six days. Biblical creationists interpret most sedimentary rocks as products of Noah's flood. .
The majority believes that the earth is under 10,000 years of age. Some believe 4004 BC was the year of .
creation. .
The person who proposed the methods by which natural processes cause the evolution of the .
species was Charles Darwin. He used natural selection to explain how evolution worked. Darwin's old .
teacher said evolution would "brutalize" us as human beings and sink us "into a lower grade of .
degradation" than any time in recorded history. He was partially correct. The fact that many people think .
they evolved from monkeys has made morale in the world lower. However, to say that it has been the .
cause for the decline of society is ridiculous. Yes, war and crime has been higher in this century than in .