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greeks and their impact on us


Lyric poetry, shorter forms of poetry, began to replace the epic. Lyric poetry was originally sung to music of the lyre. Personal feelings were displayed in lyric poetry versus the acts of heroism displayed in epic poetry. One type of lyric poetry was called melic poetry. These poems are highly .
             emotional. Melic poetry was composed for a single voice, unlike elegiac and iambic poetry. The poet usually sang the poem amongst close friends. Sappho who lived about 600 BC, was the most famous melic poet. Sappho's verse was so intense and passionate it is said that no other Greek love poetry has ever matched it. Other lyric poets composed choral lyrics. These were sung by groups and accompanied by dancing and music. Some important writers of choral lyrics were Alcman, Steischorus, and Simonides of Ceos.
             Athens became the center of Greek culture during the late 500's BC. During the height of this period, from 461 to 431 BC, the arts, including literature, flourished. These years are referred to as the Golden Age. Drama, especially tragedy, became the most important literary form during the Golden Age. Three great tragic playwrights were Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. Aeschylus is noted for the seriousness, complexity of thought and majestic language. Euripides was called the "philosopher of the stage." .
             His plays explore the psychological world of human passions and emotions. Sophocles is most famous for his characterization, graceful language, and sense of calm and proportion.
             Comedy was also seen during the 400's BC. Aristophanes, who wrote plays in the style Old Comedy, was a great writer of comic plays. His plays reflected the spirit of Athens at that time. Their spirit was that of freedom, vitality and high spirits and their ability to laugh at themselves. Athens was defeated in the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC, and there was less freedom of speech. With its elements of political and social satire, government leaders no longer permitted Old Comedy.

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