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             What elements generate an outstanding novel? One may arrive at many quintessential elements a great novel possesses such as: story plot, themes, lesson, and language. To create these things an author must establish a variety of characters, as do in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, The Great Gatsby, Chaim Potok's The Chosen, and Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. The reoccurring factor of opposite characters transpires in all three novels. Which gives depth and fulfillment to these novels. .
             To begin with, David Malter and Reb Saunders, two characters from The Chosen, differ greatly. Reb Saunders, the Hassidic Rabbi and father of Danny Saunders, raises his son in a very harsh manner by not talking to him unless the subject is Talmud. He seems, in the beginning, to be only concerned about Danny in his rigorous studies and to follow the traditions of the Hasidic Judaism, so Danny could follow in Reb's footsteps. "My father taught me with silence. . .to look into myself, to find my own strength, to walk around inside myself in company with my soul. . . . One learns of the pain of others by suffering one's own pain by turning inside oneself. . . . It makes us aware of how frail and tiny we are and of how much we must depend upon the Master of the Universe- (Potok 288). Reb Saunders's harsh public quizzes, his explosion toward Reuven concerning Zionism, and his prohibition of Danny and Reuven's friendship all contributes to the impression of Reb as a fierce, autocratic, and narrow-minded individual. Although these are the first impressions and he later proves himself to be a very complex character by confessing why he raises Danny the way he does. "Daniel,"" he said brokenly. "Forgive me. for everything. I have done. A .
             wiser father. may have done differently. I am not. wise- (287). Even though Reb confesses his reasons, his actions are still harsh. David Malter, father of Reuven, demonstrates himself as one who loves and respects his son exceedingly.

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