As time changes, so does the way society behaves toward each other.
the most evident changes are the value of our relationships with each other. .
There has been a significant alteration in the importance of staying committed .
in a relationship. The act of cheating on your significant other, which used to be .
looked upon as dishonorable is now somewhat accepted by society. The number .
of people who have cheated on their mates has drastically risen over the past .
years. In fact, the amount of people who cheat on their mate has almost .
surpassed the amount of people who do not. But why is it so difficult for people .
to remain faithful in a relation ship? What makes people cheat? How does .
cheating affect your mate? Why has cheating become so common, and most .
importantly why have many members of society chosen to accept it as a way of .
life now?.
There are many ways in which a person might choose to cheat. However, .
cheating while being involved in a relationship by definition is exercising your .
physical attraction to a person outside of your relationship with someone else .
without the consent of that person. Cheating is so much more complicated than .
that simple definition, and it involves so much more than what the definition .
provides. In order for a cheating situation to exist there must be an actual .
relationship that both member are aware of and have agreed to. This .
relationship could range from your typical boyfriend/girlfriend partnership to a .
married couple.
Cheating most commonly occurs physically rather than verbally. Cheating can .
be just a simple kiss or something more complex such as an affair. The title of .
your relationship makes a significant difference in the severity of the cheating. .
A more serious relationship, such as a husband and wife situation will have a .
more serious affect on the partnership. In situations where the title was less .
serious the reaction to the cheating will normally be less harmful to the .