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"Why is it that a high percent


Since capitalism is concerned with self-greed and individual enterprise it was only logical for capitalism to adopt liberalism. Therefore if you put a liberal-capitalist society into practise according to Marxists you will inevitably inherit a system where self-promotion and self-gain outweighs the need for collective well-being. It is engorged through the capitalist society to prioritise economic self-interest above the well being of the collective society, it promotes the thinking that the individual is more important than the collective, which is a dangerous concept in itself, since it promotes this notion that cooperation for the better of all in society is not as important as the individual achievement, which inevitably creates a society which is self consumed with the notion of self, it creates a society which is based on competition and not mutual cooperation, which breeds aggressive self embroiled individuals which in turn will cause aggression and friction between every member of society since it is all for one, and none for all so to speak. This kind of society works extremely well for those who succeeded, since if you use the analogy put forward by Darwin "the survival of the fittest", these people on top are the fittest, but what about those who do not succeed to a adequate level of living, and are disillusioned by the selfish forces that drive society, since they bare the burden of not being the most intellectually gifted members of society, and feel hard done by since they feel it is hardly something they have control over. Also things become more unfair when you take on board the wider Marxist argument put forward by such Marxist sociologists as Paul Willis and Pierre Bourdieu whom claim that the existing working classes are kept in place by an unfair education system (which counters the functionalist claim that society is based on the principles of a meritocracy and every one has a equal chance of attaining success) which further puts them at a disadvantage, also tied in with this theory is the cultural reproduction theory, which in turn Marxist attribute to the class reproduction theory.

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