The story as it is presented in the Gospel of Matthew puts an emphasis on Jesus" divinity according to the beliefs of both Jews and Gentiles (Brown: Messiah 45).
In relation to the rest of the text in Matthews Gospel, there is some controversy concerning the infancy narrative which is included in it. The narrative is located in the first two chapters of the Matthean Gospel. Almost acting as an introduction to the Gospel, the story of Jesus" birth provides the reader with background information concerning his lineage and divinity. The problem with the narrative lies in it style and organization when compared to the rest of the text in the Gospel (Brown: Messiah 49). The way in which the narrative section is organized and composed has lead exegetes to ponder whether or not the infancy narrative section is written by the same author as the rest of the Gospel. The story is made up of sections that are easy to pick out from one another. The narrative acts as a separate story in itself. When it ends, the remainder of the Gospel begins as if nothing appeared before it (Brown: Messiah 49). If the narrative was taken out of the Gospel altogether, it would be impossible to detect. Indeed the narrative helps set up a foundation for Matthew's Gospel in its entirety, but with out evidence of its existence, the common reader would not realize its absence. This aspect about it gives a reader the impression that the infancy narrative and the rest of the Gospel are two totally different texts. When the text itself is looked at next to the rest of the Gospel, an obvious difference in writing methods used to produce them exist (Brown: Messiah 49). One of the only factors that remains to attribute the two sections to one author and one Gospel is the consistent vocabulary used throughout both. The use of a prophecy being fulfilled by certain aspects and details of Jesus" life appears most frequently in the infancy narrative, but also occasionally throughout the rest of Matthew's Gospel.