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Difficult Pregnancy


             Hospital stays are nightmares and mine were no different. They became dreading after the first three I knew things had become very bad by then. You know many people look at hospital stays as a vacation a time to be waited on hand and foot. The hospital even had a special room for me and each time I went back my room was waiting. All of the nurses really tried to make me feel at home. The total of visits for me climbed to eight and after that the doctor decided to keep me for the rest of my stay this was the beginning of October. My son was not due until March. .
             Child birth can be a wonderful process when complications creep up that will take the joy away from natural childbirth. Temporarily! My child birth should I say was "wild-. First I went into labor 3 ½ months early and no one I mean no one would believe me. I tried telling the nurse and every one that walked into my room and the nurses kept telling my family and friends it was the stress test they had me doing. The stress test was .
             giving me false pains. But I felt like I had been run over by a Mac truck and my back hurt so badly I could not even move. So I lay there and cried for two-day's wondering when was it going to stop.
             Toxemia was the next battle waiting for me; it was so sever I became delirious. I thought I was losing my mind. The nurses padded up my bed and tied my hands down in an attempt to calm me down. My blood pressure was sky high stroke level they told me. .
             Many women have babies and never experience this kind of problem. It was at this time that the doctor found out I was truly in labor. However the doctor also found out that my baby was turned the wrong way and in distress. With my condition now critical the doctor was focusing on me so they decided to try and stop my labor. Work on my vitals and do a c-section. So the challenge began. My blood pressure did start to come down but my contractions were getting stronger instead of weaker this caused even a bigger problem for the baby.

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