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Roman Empire vs. United States


             satisfied with preserving those dominions which had been .
             acquired by the policy of the senate, the active emulation of .
             the consuls, and the martial enthusiasm of the people.(Gibbon 27).
             By the republic, it meant under the leadership of advisors and the emperor during epoch of history. The epoch of the Roman Empire was a significant period throughout history. It leaders are among the most influential leaders in history: Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, and Constantine, etc. The historic founders Romulus and Remus were twins who first began the Roman Empire. Romulus killed his twin brother Remus after a misunderstanding; he quoted: "If even your twin brother turns against Rome, it is your duty to kill him." Roman citizens were conditioned to be extremely patriotic for their country's security. .
             The Roman Empire established a connection between the state and the people. The people were subjected respectively by pride in their country. Their pride was extremely strong in a nation who offered a stable and profound class society. They government's hierarchy included a military emperor or Sacrificial King, senate, consuls, and the forum. The Romans also enacted a class society of peasant farmers, patricians and plebeians, who were among the higher level in the class society. Ruled by a dictator, the Roman Empire was under strict control.
             The U.S. classless structure works in benefit of changing times. Although everyone is nationally claimed as first class citizens, U.S. has a class structure that is implied and developed by the citizens within it. This implied class structure depends primarily on status or economic status. Economic means is the basis of the American society. The citizens in America are governed under a moral code and laws of the land. Americans are patriotism is not to the extremes as the early Roman Empire. There is no single ruler in America; it governed by the people.

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