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Relationship to media


             In reviewing whom the characters are, you will be able to understand why I believe this is an un-bias.
             sitcom toward women. Each character possesses characteristic, which are relate to the every day.
             women who would watch this program. Our first character, name is Joan. Joan is a beautiful African.
             American/Caucasian woman, who is independent, financially stable and has her own home. (In real life.
             Joan is Diana Ross daughter.) Joan has issue with dating and keeping a relationship with a man. She.
             feels her biological clock is running out. Joan is also jealous of her best friend Toni, who is about to get.
             married before her. However, Toni, her best friend, does not realize this jealousy, because she is caught.
             up in her own conceded world. Toni, who is a dark complexion "Barbie Doll" beauty, is very successful.
             in her career as a Real Estate agent. Toni, depends on Joan opinion and she uses their long-term.
             friendship as a tool .
             to manipulate and make Joan feel guilty about any situation they encounter. Toni is about to marry a.
             short wealthy Caucasian man and is trying to adjust to her new found love. Our third character, is Mia,.
             also a beautiful dark complexion African American woman, who is going thru a divorce because her.
             husband found out she had committed adultery. Mia's husband refuses to forgive her for ruining their.
             marriage and ask her to leave the home. She moves in with Joan for short time to figure things out.
             because her husband also requested joint custody of their son and she has to adjust situation. As.
             episode continue Mia moves into her own place and she no longer works as a secretary for her friend.
             Joan, she now holds a position, which allows her to have a secretary of her own. Last of the women.
             character but not last of the five main characters is Lyn. Lyn is just as beautiful as the other women. She.
             is an African American/Caucasian woman who is portrayed as a carefree and sexually outspoken.

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