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Shakespeare on screen


Similarly this disguise and deceit is seen thru Shakespeare's comedy, taming of the shrew where the central concern in theme is achieved through mistaken identities by many of the characters who do this thru physical deception and emotional deception in order to gain what is desired by them. This is shown in the plot of taming Katherine by Petruchio.
             Petruchio is a gentleman from Verona who marries Katherine neither for love nor her beauty but rather for the price that comes with her even though she has a reputation of being the elder sister who's "the curst and shrewd". In act 2 scene 1 we witness how Petruchio tells his intentions to Katherine demanding acceptance even if it means going thru hell and back.
             "Marry, so I mean sweet Katherine in thy bed.
             And therefore, setting all this chat aside,.
             Thus plain terms: your father hath consented .
             That you shall be my life, Ur dowry GREED on,.
             And will you nil you, I will marry".
             Petruchio speaks this in a pleasant tone and disguising his usual self.".
             After the marriage he sets in motion a plan to end Katherine's scornful and unpleasant nature, his aim is to tame the shrew and he is self confident enough to believe he can change her. He creates a plan to tame her much like how he would tame a falcon.
             "My falcon is now shop and passing empty and till she stop she no must not be full gorged, for then she never looks upon her lure" seen in act 4 scene 1 in Petruchio's soliloquy.
             His treatment of Katherine seemingly becomes cold and heartless to the point of madness. As when she falls off a horse, he denies helping her or even comforting her and often denies her food and sleep.
             "She ate no meat today,.
             Nor none shall eat,.
             Last night she slept not,.
             Nor tonight she shall not".
             His extreme rudeness to Katherine and to his servants is to show her how ridiculously she has acted in the past. In truth we can say that it was a splendid and well thought plan that he follows patiently to the end and apparently resulted in the desired results as in Katherine's final soliloiquy we see how the shrew has changed into an obedient wife.

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