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Sister Flowers


             Sister Flower played a significant role in the narrators life. Sister Flower is described as a being an aristocrat and being a strong lady of her time. She is well-dressed and a better educated women in her community despite the fact that she is black. When the narrator refers to her as "the richest white women in town" you can tell that the author is at awe with Sister Flower. In the essay, Sister Flowers presence in the narrators life eases her pain and encourages her to be strong. .
             The narrator is a voluntarily-mute child who has not spoken in a long time because of something that has happened in her past. Though the essay doesn't tell you her past, I noted that she the narrator had been raped and made the decision to be mute. So the fact that Sister Flower makes her presence known in thee narrator's life shows that she will have a big impact. Sister Flower uses her intellectual style to encourage Marguerite to talk because "it takes the human voice to infuse them {words}with the shades of deeper meaning". She also gives her books of poetry and tells her to recite the poems out loud. .
             Maya realizes for the first time in her life that she had longed and had a quest for individually. She was lonely and wanted enchantment from people who wanted to be a part of her life. I think one of the most climatic moment is at the end of the essay when she reads the last line from A Tale of Two Cities. Any one who had read that book can better understand Marguerite's realization of her selfishness. She knows that she has been wronged in her past, but she also begins to feel that she has been selfish. .
             Angelou uses vivid details allowing Mrs. Flowers character seem realistic. Everything about Mrs. Flowers made the narrator feel at ease and comfortable about herself and her race. Mrs. Flowers presence made the narrator feel like she was a good person and boosted her self-esteem. .

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