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Upstair Room


            The Upstairs Room is an autobiography. In this book, she tells the story of her difficult childhood. In 1939 the Germans invaded Poland. Adolf Hitler who hated the Jews ruled the Germans. Hitler blamed the Jews for the lost of the First World War. .
             The story begins when the author is six (1938). Her father is very concerned about the activities of Hitler and the Germans. Hitler and the Germans are slowly taking over surrounding countries. Jews are being beaten and killed. The author's father and Jewish neighbors start to meet to discuss Hitler's activities. Friends and family leave to go to America, but the author's mother doesn't want to go. The family moves into their new home.
             In the second chapter, the authors talk about the new home. She meets her new neighbor and enjoys playing with the kids. During this time Hitler and the Germans have invaded Poland (1939). The Jews are being forced into labor camps. The author writes about being afraid when she comes into contact with the Germans. Her father attempt to get across the border is not successful. They are given stars, with the word Jood ("Jew") to wear. The family is very unhappy and fearful. The Germans and the family as to start their own school capture the schoolteacher. The mother is very sick and in the hospital. The family who visits the mother often is eventually forbidden to visit. The author becomes very upset when Bobbie (the dog) is gone.
             In chapter three the authors father looks for a hiding place for his family. He locates a place for himself with the Hemmes. He locates a place for his daughters. The daughters will stay with the Hanninks. The oldest daughter (Rachel) refuses to leave her mother. The family receives a letter demanding that they report to a Dutch work camp. The father leaves to go into hiding. The daughters had to disguises themselves to escape the Germans. Sini had her hair dyed and Annie (the author) hair was cut into a boy style.

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