Dunstan's surrounding changes from violence and killing to a place of rest and tranquility. "I was brought to this special hospital in a fine old house in Buckinghamshire, and had lain unconscious While my wits were off on that paradisal holiday-(Davies, 76) It is seen here again that the environment that Dunstan is in has changed. The near fetal injury Dunstan received during battle earned him a chance at peace and rest at the hospital. The brutality of war for Dunstan Ramsey is nevertheless has pasted and now he shall adjust to a new way of life. .
Dunstable Ramsey who later on in the novel becomes Dunstan Ramsey transforms himself to obtain a better and more meaningful life. Dunstan who confines his feelings and emotions throughout his life never does anything out of desire but only through obligations. This is the reason for his life being miserable and despiteful. .
""Why don't you shake hands with your devil, Ramsey and change this foolish life of yours? Why don't you, just for once, do something inexplicable, irrational, at the devil's bidding, and just for the hell of it? You would be a different man.""(Davies, 230).
The more time Dunstan spends with Liesl, the more he learns about himself and the more insight he has on his own life. Liesl encourages Dunstan to live his life the way he wants to and forget about his past which he feels responsibility and guilt for Mary and Paul Dempster, regarding the snowball incident when he was still a very young boy. Liesl transforms and change Dunstan by tempting him to do new things and a live a life which does not tie him to his past. During Dunstan's transformation, he comes to term with the fact that Mary Dempster is not a Saint he thought her to be but sees her as a kind loving woman. By accepting the fact that Mary Dempster is not a Saint, Dunstan is free mentally and is able to move on with his life. Dunstan Ramsey transforms himself because he is able to confront his fears and seek peace within himself even though it took him his whole life to do so.